Course curriculum

    1. Welcome Video

    2. Welcome & Links

    3. Transformational One To One Sessions

    1. Week 1 Teaching Video

    2. Week 1 Practice

    1. Week 2 Teaching Video

    2. Week 2 Practices

    1. Week 3 Teaching Video

    2. Week 3 Practices

    1. Week 4 Teaching Video

    2. Week 4 Practices

    1. Week 5 Teaching Video

    2. Transformation One to One

About this course

  • £99.00


Donna Collins

Evolutionary Teacher

Donna Collins is an Author; Psychotherapist; Mystic and Evolutionary Teacher. Donna has a beautiful teaching presence which creates a safe and gentle environment for students to learn. She is able to explain complex subjects in a simple way and specialises in teaching sensitive people how to overcome their fears and experience inner freedom, peace, happiness and a little bit of magic instead!

Donna brings a wealth of mystical wisdom, psychological knowledge, energy healing, and experience facilitating groups into an online transformational setting.

Donna's unique presence and teaching gives students the opportunity to evolve through every aspect of human being; including the mind; body; emotions and energy body.

Choose to evolve today